Warsaw University, Heavy Ion Laboratory, 30.06 - 4.07.1998 |
The conference is organized to commemorate the centennial of the discovery of Polonium and Radium. The main goal of the meeting is to discuss the achievements and future of the low energy nuclear physics after first hundred years. The conference will be hosted by the Heavy Ion Laboratory of the Warsaw University operating a recently commissioned K=160 heavy-ion cyclotron and therefore is also supposed to become a forum to exchange ideas about programs which can be attractive for heavy-ion low-energy accelerators.
Advisory Board: Juha Äystö (Jyväskylä University) |
CONTRIBUTIONS: The conference proceedings will be published in a refereed journal. The program will include several invited talks covering the primary topics as well as a number of contributed presentations selected on the basis of the abstracts which should be preferentially sent via e-mail. The proposed subjects do not necessarily have to strictly adhere to the list of primary topics! The objective of the event is to present new vistas, so all good ideas are welcome. Abstracts should be no longer than one page and received as soon as possible, but no later than by 31 of March 1998. They can be transmitted via e-mail as plain ASCII text or as an attached MSWord for Windows file or posted (diskette + hard copy) to HIL. The only requirement is the outline of the abstract. Authors selected for the oral presentation will be notified by the end of April. Abstracts will be presented in a booklet with the conference program. The last day of the conference will start with a panel discussion with the working title: Heavy ion physics - decline and revival. During this event short, five-minutes presentations, covering both general issues and specific problems can be presented and discussed. The conference will be concluded by a summary lecture.
Nikolas Alamanos, France Juha Äystö, Finland Angela Bonaccorso, Italy Rafal Broda, Poland Peter Butler, England Douglas Cline, USA Carlos H. Dasso, Denmark Jacek Dobaczewski, Poland Jorge Fernandez-Niello, Argentina Doris Forkel-Wirth, Switzerland Ettore Gadioli, Italy Sydney Gales, France |
Daniel Guerreau, France Dieter Habs, Germany Ari Jokinen, Finland Marta Kicinska-Habior, Poland Matti Leino, Finland Anne M.J. Paans, Holland Marek Pfützner, Poland Udo Schröder, USA Jocelyne Sauvage, France Ziemowid Sujkowski, Poland Massimo Di Toro, Italy Andrzej K. Wróblewski, Poland |
Those who wish to attend the conference are asked to fill the
enclosed registration form and return it
(by post, e-mail or fax) no later than by the end of April.
The conference fee amounts to 280 USD. This covers lunches,
social events - welcome reception, conference dinner and a
concert - as well as conference proceedings.
Payment (280 USD or equivalent in any convertible currency)
should be made to:
Fundacja Cyklotronu
ul. Pasteura 5A, 02-093 Warszawa, Poland
Bank: PKO BP V o/Warszawa, Poland
Bank address: ul. Grojecka 1/3; 02-019 Warszawa,
Account number: 10201055-144094-270-1
Late payments can be made at the reception desk in which case
only Polish currency will be accepted. Money can be
exchanged at the airport, in all major banks
and at numerous money exchange points.
Early payment via bank transfer will be appreciated and
will assure either discounts for hotel rates or priority in
reserving cheap guest rooms. Please fax or mail the copy of the
receipt of money transfer.
The fee for accompanying persons is 120 USD and
covers participation in social events.
Participants who need visa for an entry in Poland
should contact the Polish Embassy or Consulate in their residence
country in due course. In case when letter of invitation or
confirmation of participation is needed please contact the
The 3rd Announcement will provide scientific program and useful travel information
The organizers can assist you with arranging the accommodation
in Warsaw. The following options are available:
HOTELS: prices given below are for room per night and
include breakfast. In case of earlier prepayment the reduced
prices will be available.
VERA*** 15 min walk from the conference site
GROMADA*** 30 min walk or 10 min by public bus from conference site
HOSTELS (limited number of places): prices include breakfast.
PAN of the Polish Academy of Science 15 min walk
HERA of the Warsaw University 30-40 min by public buses
(a bus shuttle will be provided only in the morning - travel time 20 min)
In case of hotels VERA
and GROMADA the discount will be available
depending on earlier reservation and prepayments. If you are interested,
please fill out an appropriate place in the attached registration form and make the money
transfer together with your conference fee.
Guest rooms in HOSTELS will be allocated on
a first-come-first-served basis upon receipt of the
conference fee and accommodation prepayment.
For the organizing committee:
Czosnyka Co-Chairman (HIL)
Jerzy Jastrzebski: Co-Chairman (HIL)
Anna Stolarz: Scientific Secretary (HIL)
Danka Chmielewska: SINS, Swierk
Jan Zylicz: Inst. Exp. Phys., Warsaw University