Dr. Tomasz Czosnyka 1952-2006
We have great sorrow in announcing the news that Tomek Czosnyka, after long
and sore illness, passed away on Thursday, 19th of October 2006.
We will always remember him as an excellent physicist, great boss,
wonderful tutor and aimable person, dedicated to his work and mission. Tomek
was the one who made things moving and who gave ideas to follow.
His work was a cornerstone of modern Multiple Coulomb Excitation studies.
Success of Warsaw Cyclotron would not have been possible without his
theoretical work and great effort put in everyday operation.
His deeds will not be forgotten and we will benefit from his legacy
long after his death.
Sadly missed by the staff of Heavy Ion Laboratory, members of Warsaw
Coulex Group and Polish Nuclear Physics community. May he rest in peace.
Words of sympathy may be sent to
Sympathies we received.